Obsolete flag

Several types of entity records in ActivityHD can be flagged as obsolete in order to exclude them from the HD view. An entity record can be flagged as obsolete regardless of open balances or unmerged items; however, this is not typical. When a record is flagged as obsolete, it is no longer visible in the HD view when its entity folder is selected and it does not show up in the Find dialog box (F3). This helps prevent the entity record from being used by mistake. Nonetheless, records that are flagged as obsolete can be included in the HD view and in the Find dialog box by marking the Include Obsolete checkbox on the respective forms. Obsolete records are indicated by a caution icon next to the entity record. Obsolete records are included in listings and on historical reports unless explicitly excluded.

An entity record that has been flagged as obsolete can be restored and returned to the HD view by removing the flag.

ClosedFlag a record as obsolete

  1. Open the entity record in edit mode.
  2. Select > Edit > Obsolete. ActivityHD prompts you to confirm the action.

  3. Click Yes.

ClosedRemove the obsolete flag from a record

  1. Select the appropriate entity folder in the Navigation pane.
  2. Mark the Include Obsolete checkbox above the HD view to show obsolete records.

  3. Locate and highlight the obsolete record you need to restore, then click .
  4. Select > Edit > Obsolete. ActivityHD prompts you to confirm that you want to restore the record.
  5. Click Yes.